We always try to maintain the highest level of client service. We believe it is our clients who are best placed to judge whether we succeed in this aim and your feedback will help us to constantly improve. We would be grateful if you could take a few moments to complete the form and click 'Send'.
If you have completed this same questionnaire on an earlier occasion, it is still very helpful for us to receive your further comments now.
Fixing An Appointment
How efficient were we at making & keeping appointments with you?
Excellent Good Adequate Poor
Telephone Calls
How efficient were we at dealing with your telephone calls?
Excellent Good Adequate Poor
Calls Back
If you asked us to return your telephone call, how do you rate us at calling you back within a reasonable time frame?
Excellent Good Adequate Poor
Replies to Letters
How clear and straightforward was the advice we gave to you?
Excellent Good Adequate Poor
How well did we do on keeping you up to date on the progress of your matter and on the costs associated with your matter?
Excellent Good Adequate Poor
Progress of Work
How effective were we in ensuring that your matter progressed as smoothly as possible?
Excellent Good Adequate Poor
Staff Behaviour
Please rate the helpfulness & courteousness of our staff
Excellent Good Adequate Poor
Value for Money
Please rate us on the extent to which you feel we provided you with value for money
Excellent Good Adequate Poor
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not likely and 10 is very likely, how likely is it that you would recommend Redkite Solicitors to a family member, friend or colleague?
Do you have any additional comments or feedback?
Are you happy for us to use your comments in testimonials?
Yes No
Are you happy to receive updates from us relating to other services which may be relevant to you?
Yes No