HR Network West Wales Event: Managing Mental Health in the Workplace

We invite you to join our exclusive event on managing mental health in the workplace.

We are excited to be working alongside Beverley Jonesa Time to Change Wales Champion, to deliver this event to you. Following a highly successful corporate career of 30 years, Bev found herself one day being diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety. Since then she has carried out talks across Wales sharing her story, demonstrating how an ordinary life can become extraordinary, and assisting others who may find themselves, colleagues, friends or family in a similar position. Bev is an award winning speaker who has won numerous awards including Inspirational Business Woman of the Year, Speaker of the Year and a Business Wales Excellence in Mentoring Award winner.

This topic is so important to address as supporting someone with mental health issues is something more and more employers are facing on a regular basis. Recent statistics show that 1 in 6 people have experienced mental health issues in the workplace and evidence suggest that nearly 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions. Based on our experience, this statistic is an under estimate of the true impact of this hidden condition!

The best approach to supporting mental health can vary from individual to individual and can pose significant difficulties for both the employer and employee. This event seeks to address the warning signs to look out for in an employee dealing with a mental health condition, as well as offering general strategies that an employer can use to help support someone suffering from poor mental health.

The event is being held at the luxury 15th century Country Manor House, Trefloyne Manor set in the Ritec Valley and located just 2 miles outside of Tenby. Location details can be found here.

In our usual way, we will start with networking and a light complimentary breakfast from 9am until 9.45am. We will then hear from Bev and there will be a Q&A session. This will be followed by a further networking opportunity from around 11am, with an anticipated finish time of 11.30am.

Attendance at this event is on a first come first served basis and is open exclusively to Redkite HR Package clients or members of HR Network West Wales. If you don’t fall into either category don’t worry, it is quick and easy for you to become a part of our growing HR network and for more details on how to join HR Network West Wales, or for further event information, please visit our LinkedIn page.

Please RSVP to to secure you place.

This will be an event not to be missed!

If anyone has any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to welcoming you at Trefloyne Manor in May!